This year, many Australians are working from home for the first time ever. Although this may be a welcome break in routine for some, others may be struggling with motivation and productivity. Jodie Brenton and the Life Resolutions team are also working from home during this difficult time and have compiled some advice to help you make the most of this new and sometimes strange routine.

H2 Jodie Brentonat Life Resolutions on Working From Home

  1. Schedule and Routine– When working from home, it can feel like the day has escaped you before you even get a chance to sit down at the computer to do some work. Commit to starting and finishing at the same time every day and avoid answering emails at midnight when you should be sleeping.
  2. Organisation and Prioritising – If you take time to write down your list of goals for the day, both professional and personal, you are much less likely to find yourself lost and directionless halfway throughout the day.
  3. Exercise and Breaks– If you are beginning to feel distracted, jump up and do some stretches, or take a brisk walk around your backyard or apartment. Moving your body will kickstart your brain, and you will return feeling refreshed. Equally important is maintaining a healthy diet, so do not forget your lunchbreak.
  4. Health and Wellbeing – This year has been difficult for many, and it is normal to feel overwhelmed and stressed. If your anxieties are beginning to impact your mental health, it is important to seek professional support. The Life Resolutions team know that mental health struggles should not be ignored, so we are currently offering convenient Telehealth servicesfor anyone who is struggling.

H2: Life Resolutions – Seek Support Today

If you would like to chat to a professional, please contact us to book an appointment with our friendly team at Life Resolutions. You can also see more of the work Jodie BrentonandMary Magalottido by clicking through to their websites.

Do not hesitate. Book aTelehealth appointment with our Life Resolutions team by heading to our bookings page today.

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