Although there is a stigma against drug and alcohol addiction, it is important to remember that anyone can be affected by these insidious illnesses, and there is help and support available.

Although for some, drug and alcohol addictions can be managed with social support and avoiding triggers, many people will require a professional psychologist support to help them overcome their struggles. A Life Resolutions psychologist can help you identify the causes of drug and alcohol issues in your life and find strategies for recovery that suit you.

One of the first steps to take is identifying if you are indeed struggling with drug and alcohol issues. You may be convincing yourself and others that your usage is not really a problem, but there are some key signs and symptoms to look out for.

 Identifying drug addiction:

  • Do urges to use drugs impact your enjoyment of other activities?
  • Are you regularly increasing the amount of drugs you use?
  • Do you have financial difficulties as a result of buying drugs?
  • Does your drug usage cause issues in your life or relationships?
  • Do severe withdrawal symptoms make it hard for you to stop using?

Identifying alcohol addiction:

  • Do you experience memory loss and blackouts after drinking?
  • Do you often make excuses to drink to yourself or others?
  • Do you find yourself often drinking alone?
  • Are symptoms of hangovers a regular part of your day?
  • Are you struggling with work, life, or relationships because of your drinking?

A trained psychologist can help you identify the causes of your addiction and any coexisting mental health issues, and work with you to lessen your dependence on the substance. When you quit using a substance you use heavily and regularly, there can be unintended additional health impacts, so it is important to seek medical support.

Seek Help Through Life Resolutions

If you or a loved one is struggling, please book an appointment with Life Resolutions. Contact our friendly team today or head to our website for more information on the services we offer at LifeResolutions.

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