We might not always think of anxiety as a common problem affecting youth, but in 2015,The Australian Government reported that almost 7% of Australians aged 4-17 were experiencing anxiety. Childhood anxiety can cause both the child and family members distress and negative health outcomes, so it is important to seek support.

The Signs and Symptoms of Anxiety

Childhood anxiety often presents differently to adult anxiety, and there is several key issues that young sufferers often face –

  • Separation issues – children may have trouble when being dropped off for kindergarten or school and may want to always stay close to you.
  • Nervousness around other children – you may notice that your child is unwilling to play with other children and does not engage with games and activities.
  • They may have issues with change, such as nervousness about holidays, new people, or other parts of daily life.
  • A child with anxiety may have trouble with sleeping or eating.

As children and even teenagers often struggle to voice their fears and worries, it is important for the parent or carer to watch and observe any changes in their behaviour and demeanour.

Life Resolutions Psychology for Children

Mary Magalotti and Jodie Brenton have spent many years working with children experiencing various emotional difficulties and know that anxiety can be tough to manage. That is why we are committed to offering specialist services for children and families coping with anxiety. We employ Cognitive Behavioural Therapy to help children express their fears and find ways of coping. This kind of talk therapy helps children learn to discuss their worries openly and find ways to manage them productively. We also emphasise working with families so that anxiety-reducing practices can be continued at home.

Contact Jodie Brenton and Mary Magalotti Life Resolutions

If you are concerned that your child may be suffering from anxiety, reach out and seek help from Life Resolutions today.

You can find more information hereabout Life Resolutions, the careers of our CEO and Founder,Jodie Brenton, and our Principal Psychologist, Mary Magalotti. Alternatively, feel free to explore Jodie Brenton and Mary Magalotti’s websites to see more.