Psychologist point of view on stress

Stress is normal and can even be helpful in motivating us to achieve our goals and do our best. But for some, feelings of stress can become overwhelming and begin to impact our quality of life.

Stress can be a symptom of underlying mental health issues such as depression or anxiety. If you are finding the stresses in your life too much to deal with alone, it can help to talk to a professional.

Here at Life Resolutions, we have extended experience in helping those dealing with stress. Our principal psychologist, Mary Magalotti and CEO and Founder, Jodie Brenton, have a passion for assisting those experiencing stress to live their best lives. AtLife Resolutions, we offer dedicated help for people dealing with stress, as well as additionalcounselling services.

Mary Magalotti and Jodie Brentonhave alsoput together some practices to help you manage stress.

Advice from Mary Magalotti and Jodie Brenton on Dealing with Stress

As Mary Magalotti and Jodie Brenton have extended experience providing psychological services through Life Resolutions, they have also compiled a few tips and tricks that may help individuals cope with stress.

Creating work/life separation – Remember to leave work at work. Do not answer emails or phone calls when you are meant to be spending time with loved ones or doing something you enjoy.

Solving interpersonal conflict –Do not let minor disagreements with co-workers or friends become something that weighs on your mind. Address them promptly and calmly, so you can both rest easy.

Having hobbies – Find a pastime you enjoy and can find achievement in. Try learning some new recipes and serving them up to your family and friends or join a sporting team and look forward to the big game.

Exercising regularly– If you find time to exercise each day, your body and brain will thank you for getting those endorphins flowing.

Consistent sleep and rest – It is vital to ensure you are getting enough sleep so that you are not waking up already tired each morning. Also, dedicate time to quiet rest before bed to help you unwind.

Asking for help – Stress, if left unchecked, can severely impact your quality of life. Do not be afraid to reach out and ask for support.

Your search for stress counselling and management can stop here. AtLife Resolutions, we have the skills and experience to help you not only manage stress, but also address any underlying issues you may be facing.

The Life Resolutions Clinic

TheLife Resolutionsteam are caring and experienced mental health professionals who are here and ready to help you overcome stress.

As Melbourne is currently under stage four restrictions, our Life Resolutions clinics are providingTelehealthconsultations that allow you to access high-quality mental health services from the comfort of your own home.

Seek advice from Mary Magalotti and Jodie Brenton Life Resolutions Today

If you want more information on Life Resolutionsor would like to speak to either our principal psychologist, Mary Magalotti, or our Founder,Jodie Brenton, you can contact us here. You are also welcome to head to the Life Resolutions website to learn more about Jodie Brenton,Mary Magalotti, and their Life Resolutions work.